[23:54:21] [L] Сбой передачи!
[23:54:21] [L] Connection lost:
[23:54:22] [L] Connecting to
ftp.adslclub.ru -> DNS=ftp.adslclub.ru IP= PORT=21 (attempt # 1)
[23:54:57] [L] Connection failed (Connection refused)
[23:54:57] [L] Delaying for 1 seconds before reconnect attempt #18
[23:54:58] [L] Connecting to
ftp.adslclub.ru -> DNS=ftp.adslclub.ru IP= PORT=21 (attempt # 18)
[23:54:58] [L] Connected to
[23:54:58] [L] 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ----------
[23:54:58] [L] 220-You are user number 21 of 256 allowed.
[23:54:58] [L] 220-Local time is now 23:55. Server port: 21.
[23:54:58] [L] 220 You will be disconnected after 4 minutes of inactivity.
[23:54:58] [L] USER upload
[23:54:58] [L] 331 User upload OK. Password required
[23:54:58] [L] PASS (hidden)
[23:54:58] [L] 230-Your bandwidth usage is restricted
[23:54:58] [L] 230-User upload has group access to: 73
[23:54:58] [L] 230-You must respect a 9999:1 (UL/DL) ratio
[23:54:58] [L] 230 OK. Current directory is /
[23:54:58] [L] SYST
[23:54:58] [L] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[23:54:58] [L] FEAT
[23:54:58] [L] 211-Extensions supported:
[23:54:58] [L] EPRT
[23:54:58] [L] IDLE
[23:54:58] [L] MDTM
[23:54:58] [L] SIZE
[23:54:58] [L] REST STREAM
[23:54:58] [L] MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*;
[23:54:58] [L] MLSD
[23:54:58] [L] ESTP
[23:54:58] [L] PASV
[23:54:58] [L] EPSV
[23:54:58] [L] SPSV
[23:54:58] [L] ESTA
[23:54:58] [L] AUTH TLS
[23:54:58] [L] PBSZ
[23:54:58] [L] PROT
[23:54:58] [L] 211 End.
[23:54:58] [L] CWD /Anime/Seirei no Moribito
[23:54:58] [L] 250 OK. Current directory is /Anime/Seirei no Moribito
[23:54:58] [L] PWD
[23:54:58] [L] 257 "/Anime/Seirei no Moribito" is your current location
[23:54:58] [L] TYPE I
[23:54:59] [L] 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
[23:54:59] [L] PASV
[23:54:59] [L] 227 Entering Passive Mode (217,70,119,206,253,50)
[23:54:59] [L] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 64818
[23:54:59] [L] REST 24616960
[23:54:59] [L] 350 Restarting at 24616960
[23:54:59] [L] STOR [A-Kraze]_Seirei_no_Moribito_-_01_[B9FC2A2C].mkv
[23:54:59] [L] 150 Accepted data connection